Stevie Bowlstar / Friday, August 17, 2018 / Categories: Blog GO BOWLING AND FOX & FRIENDS TEAM UP TO CELEBRATE NATIONAL BOWLING DAY Bowling took center stage on national television over the weekend of August 11, celebrating National Bowling Day on the Saturday telecast of FOX & Friends. Go Bowling set up two bowling lanes on the FOX Plaza in New York with multiple live bowling segments aired on one of cable TV’s highest rated morning shows. BPAA President Randy Thompson was joined by pro bowlers Parker Bohn III, Andrew Anderson and Daria Pajak to provide tips to the FOX & Friends hosts. The show also heavily promoted National Bowling Day and encouraged consumers to visit for a free game of bowling redeemable throughout the month of August. During the show, bowling was featured 13 separate times generating more than 17.5 million consumer viewers. Check out the show segments and a few photos from the Fox & Friends set below, and it’s still not too late to download your coupon for a free game of bowling! View Segment 1 | View Segment 2 Previous Article BOWLERS AND RACE FANS LOVE GO BOWLING AT THE GLEN WEEKEND Next Article Go Bowling To Participate In Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Print 5708 Rate this article: 4.5