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Soldier wins NASCAR and Professional Bowling Trip through MWR Promotion

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Sgt. Andy Simmons watched the nationally broadcast Professional Women's Bowling Association Finals and GoBowling 250 NASCAR race live, thanks to the Race to Summer Fun contest.

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Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation, the G9 branch of Installation Management Command, hosted a contest for all 66 garrison bowling centers. The contest was open to service members and authorized MWR patrons. It ran from June 1 until Aug. 2 and Simons, a parachute rigger at Fort Bragg, was the lucky winner of the prize package.

"Honestly when I was told I won this prize I thought it was a scam," said Simmons as he chuckled. "Once I saw it was from MWR I realized I had actually won."

The package included a meet and greet with a handful of professional women bowlers in Richmond, Virginia, a VIP seat to watch the PWBA finals which was broadcast live nationally, a ride on a pace car around the Richmond Raceway, access to the pits and garages during the GoBowling 250 NASAR Xfinity series race as well as seats in a VIP suite to view the race.

"This was a great experience. I received first-class treatment," said Simons. "I have never been to a NASCAR race and it was very fun to be at. The Professional Women's Bowling Association finals was intense; they did a great job."

Marc Williams, bowling program manager at IMCOM, helped with the promotion.

"The promotion was a fun thing for everyone. We had a lot of participants who entered, and we had 40 runners-up who were awarded a $200 gift certificate for bowling products," said Williams.

Simmons also had the opportunity to bowl with the professionals. He says he enjoys bowling at Dragon Lanes on Fort Bragg.

"The bowling centers are great because they are very military friendly," said Simmons. "You can go there, relax with your family, have a good time and you don't have to worry about anything."

FamilyMWR worked with Strike Ten Entertainment and GoBowling to put together the prize package. GoBowling professionals ensured Simmons was having a good time during the trip.

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"Our staff and the PWBA players enjoyed the company of Sgt. Simmons," said Toby Brown, director of Strike Ten Entertainment and "It was fascinating to learn more about the lifestyle and the career path Simmons is encountering. He was a great ambassador for the U.S. Army as were the accompanying staff personnel."

Simmons, who has previously bowled in a league, thanked all of the staff at GoBowling, and Williams mentioned that they were excellent throughout the events.

"Overall the promotion couldn't have gone any better and the (GoBowling) folks in charge did a great job," said Williams.

For more information about your local bowling center, visit:

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